Oversize items are really hyped right now, and I'm not sure whether I like it or not. However, I found this knit scarf from the attic some time ago, and i've used it very frequently since. I need to experiment a bit with it, because the size of it is really hard to deal with, and it sheds so much. What do you think about the oversize trend e.g. jackets?

18. jan. 2014
Oversize items are really hyped right now, and I'm not sure whether I like it or not. However, I found this knit scarf from the attic some time ago, and i've used it very frequently since. I need to experiment a bit with it, because the size of it is really hard to deal with, and it sheds so much. What do you think about the oversize trend e.g. jackets?
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Det er jo skønt!
SvarSletKnus og kram
Ja det er så!
SletJeg elsker oversize trenden. Faktisk så meget at jeg nærmest bor i oversize tøj, da det på sin vis passer bedst.