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14. mar. 2014



Source: Fucking Young!
"Tyler Maher and Florian Van Bael shot by Christian Oita and styled by Andrea Porro with pieces from Givenchy, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana and more, for the March 2014 issue of GQ Italia." 
Efter den lange vinter, hvor min garderobe hovedsageligt har bestået af sort og mørkeblå, sniger der sig langsomt flere og flere farver ind i mit klædeskab. Jeg prøver så vidt muligt at investere i farvet sommertøj, og prøver at kombinere det med det mørke items, så farverne virkelig kan skinne igennem. Specielt farver som grøn og orange prøver jeg at indføre, da det er nogen af mine yndlingsfarver lige nu. Jeg vil gerne have min stil til at ende lidt hen mod denne editorial fra GQ Italias martsnummer, da den har det hele - spil med kontraster, mild colorblocking, flotte prints, men stadig et meget klassisk tema. Jeg kan slet ikke vente til sommervejret og det farverige tøj! Har I som jeg også nogle mål for jeres garderobe?

After months of cold weather, looking at a wardrobe primarily with the colors of black and dark blue, I've decided to try fill in more colors in my life (read: wardrobe). I really like this editorial, because it is sort of how I want my style to be. Contrasts, soft colorblocking, great prints, but still very classic. Just like the pictures above, I want to mix dark colored items with a few colored, since then the focus would be on that item, and really let it shine through! I really can't wait for the spring and summer to fully return! Do you have any goals for your wardrobe?

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3 kommentarer :

  1. Amazing post!!! =) Is the first time that I comment yu, and the first time that i come to your blog, is so nice =), I like the style, I follow you since now!!

    1. Thank you! Your blog is very great too!


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